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The main difference between us and the "local guy" is the amount of resources and benefits we provide to all of our clients. Below is a list of benefits and free tools we make available to ALL clients. 

1. We handle the artwork for you. You do not have to provide us with "print ready" artwork. For many of you, this is a significant change. Many clients who work with us enjoy not having to worry about the artwork. Whether you have an idea/direction for your project or pick one of our templates or allow us to come up with an original design for you, we will handle the artwork for you. We do not charge for artwork. 

2. Ask for samples. We offer free sizing samples for all orders. There is nothing worse than being surprised when an order is delivered. You should not be surprised and you should have an opportunity to approve the garments before they arrive. What if you receive a garment and you don't like the cut of the women's tank or want a softer tee? No problem. We'll send out a new batch of samples. 

3. Marketing templates. For those who are new to offering apparel, figuring out how to market it towards clients can be a real challenge. The most difficult part of marketing any new product or service is figuring out the messaging, timing, and frequency. If you use our marketing templates, they provide the necessary direction to launching a successful apparel order. 
4. Preorder tools. We offer three preorder tools:
1. Paper and pencil- A old fashion sign up sheet. Pass the clipboard around before class for sign ups or leave it at the front desk
2. Online form- This is an option for "paper-less" gyms. You will collect payment but clients will sign up using an online form. Example: https://foreverfierce.typeform.com/to/kLW66j . We will build your form for you and all you need to do is collect payment. We'll tally and track the orders for you.
3. Our website- There is no additional cost for our robust and extraordinarily successful website option. You can learn about how we handle online stores here: 

5. Apparel plans. Picture this...you're at the end of December...you go to review your retail sales...and it's half of what you did the previous year...what happened? It's easy to figure it out at the end of the year...you missed several key orders throughout the year..."Life happened. I got busy. Things were chaotic"...but what if I told you even in the midst of the pandemic that the gyms who were on apparel plans, were able to hit all of their key orders for the year? An apparel plan schedules all of your orders ahead of time so that no matter how chaotic things get, you will stay on track. To be clear, this is not a contract and you are not locked into anything. It is simply a free planning tool we use to help keep our clients on track. We find that clients who are on an apparel plan sell 20-30% more apparel for the year for those that do not have one. You can learn more about our apparel plans here: https://foreverfierce.com/blogs/news/get-on-an-apparel-plan

6. A dedicated account rep. There is no call center. There is no 1800 number. There are no chatbots. You work with a person who knows your name, business, and understands your needs. Our team is highly experienced in knowing what works and what sells best for our clients today. We pride ourselves on keeping projects moving forward and providing clients with an unmatched personalization. 

7. New designs every month. We are committed to providing variety every single month. We're putting out at least 3 new designs a month. Combine that with a library of previous year's designs...you have hundreds of best selling designs ready to go. Even if you don't love the template idea, we are always happy to work on something special and custom for you to ensure things never feel stale with your apparel.

The Gym Owner Advantage

“Wow! All these cool items my members will be sure to love! On top of that, a nice website to go with it! This will be a slam dunk!”

With the rise of the web site service offering comes a nice shiny new toy to distract clients. While these services and web sites may seem like a no brainer, clients who use web stores see a reduction in apparel sales by about 20-30% per order. This is significant and this is a major problem.

How can we fix it?

 To tackle it, we need to examine a key reason why people buy apparel from their favorite business in the first place: an opportunity to promote and “rep their tribe”. 

While they are in the gym, you have their undivided attention. Think about how rare and powerful that is in this day and age. To have someone’s attention for about an hour 3-5 times a week is one of the most unique advantages a fitness business has today.  It is the perfect sales environment. It’s low stress, it’s supportive, and it is an opportunity for them to thank you for all your hard work. You want people to have opportunities to “join your team”. Offering apparel officially invites people join the team as an initiation of some sort. 

Now, if we give members a link, they have to purchase this item “when they get home”… the issue is really this…when people leave the gym, all hell breaks loose. So while they had great intentions to buy the new hoodie you just released, they totally forgot because they had a million other things on their brain after they left the gym. The next day rolls around and wash, rinse, and repeat. Same thing. While they wanted to buy one, they simply forgot. Every time they went to log on, something got in the way. Then when everything lands, they ask if you bought any extras. You probably didn’t in their size. And now you have an unhappy member for something that absolutely is not your fault. 

The issue isn’t the design or the style tank top or the amount of options you offered. The issue is simply attention span and driving demand. If you can make the most of someone’s attention span, you will a huge uptick in retail sales. 

Tips to Make Your Online Store Easier

Online stores can be intimidating. There are a lot of moving parts, technology, and entering the e-commerce space is not for the faint of heart. However, we've made the mistakes. We've tested a bunch of strategies. We've fine tuned our process to make this as hands free, stress free, and easy for any gym owner to us. 


Step 1. Get a design in place. Pick from one of our best selling templates or let us bring your idea to life.

Step 2. Set a deadline. Don't forget this step! It is important to have a firm deadline. Deadlines spur action.

Step 3. Promote the link. Make announcements before and after each class. Send out at least one message per day the preorder is live in each of your communication channels. 

Step 4. Close the link and cash your check. 

In four simple steps, we can have a secondary revenue stream up and running for you. But! You will need to trust us here. When we push you to simplify the order, take our advice. If we encourage you to do a 7 day preorder instead of a 21 day preorder, try it! If the marketing template call for posting something on instagram and sending out an email, give it a shot! The strategies and suggestions we have are based on thousands of successful orders and we're confident we can help you achieve success in selling apparel.