Carrying inventory is reserved for two specific situations:
1.You want to introduce “levels” to a special program- Introducing some type of level system to your programs is a great way to keep an attainable goal in front of your members. In the past, these ideas typically get stuck at the “I have 6 level 1s and 3 level 2s and1 level 3…here’s my order!”….unfortunately, that is below the minimum and it is not possible to make an order. However, if you plan on implementing and committing to the level system ordering 13 of each level’s design will give you an incentive to stick with the program since you have invested in it and give your members something to strive for.
2. You are an extremely high drop in gym. When I say extremely high, I mean you can easily sell 25-50 shirts a month in drop in tees. Believe it or not, this is the 1% of gyms. Most gyms can’t sell that many shirts from visitors alone. You should order extra in this case since you know they will move.