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I'll Follow My Own Apparel Plan!

If you believe and subscribe to the idea of "I don't need a vendor. I'll just follow an apparel plan myself and execute it!"....then....

No one should join your gym. If this logic actually worked and actually made sense, no one should ever join a gym. 

Why do they need you? I can punch in a workout to chatgpt and it'll be programmed and perfect. I'll just watch videos on youtube about form and coaching. I'll just go buy my own equipment. I'll do all the check ins myself and coach myself!

You're reading this laughing that most people cannot and will not do this. 

Very few people actually follow a plan, stay on track, and get the right advice on their own. The people who do are usually outliers. We all have these people in our business. It's ok.

But for the 95% of people....they need a nudge, reminders, encouragement, and someone on the other end pulling for them. You're one of these people. I am one of these people. But together, we'll stay on track and succeed together.

I will keep repeating this: Clients who follow an apparel plan sell 30% more apparel pieces for the year and net 66% more profit than those who do not. 

You Are Bad At Math If You Do This

You are bad at math if you can't do this calculation. 

Clients who follow an apparel plan net 66% more profit than those who are NOT on a plan. 

Clients not on a plan run 3 orders a year. Example math: You net $500 per order x 3=1500
Clients on a plan run 5 orders a year. Example math: You net $500 per order x 5= 2500

The best part of all: Chances are you will be doing less work. You will have more tasks off your plate. You will have happier members. You will have more money in your pocket at the end of the year. 

Does this calculation make sense now? 

Churn Insurance

 If you are having trouble staying motivated to run apparel orders....

...If providing a premium experience to your members does not motivate you

...If assigning the profit to a specific purpose or goal does not motivate you

...If an extra $2-5k a year does not motivate you

Then my last recommendation is to view it as churn insurance.

Lets do some quick and easy math.

Lets say each apparel order nets you $700.

The average net profit per member is $70.

If you can run 5 orders for the year (Logo tee, Memorial Day, Summer/Fall/Winter packages)

You're offsetting 50 cancellations a year by running apparel orders that cost you $0 out of pocket and a couple hours a year.

There are very few strategies....if any...that produce this type of result. All the other strategies recommended to offset and reduce churn require heavy lifting. This one does not. At the end of the day, if you can't get motivated and organized to run these types of projects using this line of reasoning, what will?