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Gym Owners Know This Better Than Anyone

Gym owners understand the concept of starting from square one better than anyone. Just like new gym members face challenges in their first week, new clients starting a secondary revenue stream with apparel will find the initial order the toughest.

The First Week: The Toughest Challenge

For new gym members, the first week is the hardest mentally, physically, and emotionally. Similarly, for clients placing their first apparel order, especially if they’re new to selling or haven't organized apparel in a while, that initial order is challenging.

Setting Proper Expectations

I always advise new clients to have realistic expectations, especially with web stores. It usually takes an order or two to build demand and get people on board. Few clients can immediately put together a 150-piece order. Successful clients build demand over time, not overnight.

Building Consistency and Demand

Like gym members need to get into a routine, success with apparel comes from consistency. Hitting three to five orders and following a plan leads to success. It's just like coaching gym members through their initial struggles—push through, and it will be worth it.

Establishing a New Routine

Once you establish a new habit and routine, managing apparel becomes easier and more confident. People will sense your genuine effort to integrate apparel into the gym culture. Building this takes time, but the effort pays off.

In conclusion, starting with apparel, like fitness, is tough at first. With the right expectations, consistency, and a solid plan, you’ll successfully integrate apparel into your gym, enhancing its culture and revenue. Keep pushing through, and the results will be worth it.