In our final installment of this series, we're going to explore what truly separates the best clients from the rest of the pack. Here are all the things our best clients do consistently to maximize apparel sales:

  1. They have a plan. They utilize our APPAREL PLAN service to get the most out of the calendar year. Most clients work with us 3-5 times a year and that is a healthy amount of apparel to offer while keeping demand high.
  2. They use samples. We mail free garment samples to each gym ahead of every order. Most gyms never leave them out for members to try on. This is a major mistake. The secret is this: if you leave the samples out and have members just TOUCH the material before asking them if they want to buy one, they are 70% more likely to buy.
  3. They have a system. They do not free style the marketing. They aren't changing vendors every order. They have the same predictable marketing order to order. They use consistent styles their members know and love.
  4. They make the most of our service. They key to running apparel orders is to conserve time and energy on these  

If you can follow the steps I outlined in these 3 posts, you will be able to install a fully scalable and sustainable apparel program at your gym. This will cost you $0 out of pocket and the time required is very minimal considering the return on investment: Free cash flow and happy members wearing your apparel around town

If you would like to chat more about the basics and work on setting up your gym with an apparel program, you can book a call here:


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