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Simple Metrics for Gym Owners

Many gym owners ask: Is selling apparel worth the effort? The answer lies in tracking a few simple metrics that show whether your apparel strategy is on point.

Here are 3 key stats to track:

  1. Percentage of Members Who Purchased Apparel

    • How to track: Determine the total number of gym members. Then, see how many apparel items you sold in the last order.
    • Example: 100 members, 35 pieces sold = 35%
    • Goal: 20-30% of members per order
    • What to do:
      • If you're above 20-30%, keep up the good work.
      • If you're below 20-30%, it's likely a marketing consistency issue. Book a free 10-minute call, and we’ll fix this quickly.
  2. Number of Apparel Orders Completed

    • How to track: Count how many apparel orders you ran this year.
    • Example: Memorial Day, Summer, and Fall orders = 3 orders
    • Goal: 3-5 orders per year
    • What to do:
      • If you ran more than 5 orders, be cautious—more than 6 may lead to burnout.
      • If you ran fewer than 3, aim for 3-5 orders to maximize impact and profit.
  3. Profit from Apparel Sales

    • How to track: Subtract the cost of the apparel from the selling price.
    • Example: Shirts cost $15, sold for $30 = $15 profit per shirt
    • Goal: $3,500 profit per year
    • How I determined this goal:
      The average order size is 52 pieces with a $14 profit per item. Running 5 orders a year makes $3,500 a very achievable target.
      • If you're already above $3,500, keep doing what you're doing.
      • If you're below $3,500, it’s time to make some tweaks. Trying to go it alone or copying other gyms’ ideas won’t get you there. Let’s discuss how to improve your process.