I was checking out the TwoBrain Business Facebook group the other day and Sara from CrossFit Reanimated brought up the hotly debated topic: a coach/staff dress code
As someone who has awkwardly walked into many, many boxes asking “do you work here?”, you should absolutely have some type of dress code or uniform for coaches. If you walk into most businesses, the employees are wearing uniforms. Your coaches should too.
This isn’t to say they need to wear business casual clothing. You can still have something fun and casual they can wear and be comfortable in during the day.
Maybe you don’t like men wearing tanks. Maybe your coaches wear another gym’s shirt (happens more than you think). Maybe you don’t like it when men wear hats indoors. The easiest way to not have to deal with these issues is to just have the acceptable uniform for your coaches.
We have two options for affiliate owners who are looking to implement a coach uniform:
Option 1: You can add it to an existing design.
Let's say you have a Summer tee design going right now. You REALLY need coach shirts but don't have the time to coordinate a full blown coach design, we can simply print "COACH" on the back of the tee or tank for an extra few bucks.
Option 2: Come up with a custom coach package.
This will ensure everyone has a standard uniform to wear. A custom coach package might have 4 tees, a longsleeve, and a hoodie. That way, there is no thinking about what your employees have to wear to work.
Each option has it's pros and cons. But, we're here to help you navigate this! Shoot us an e-mail and let's figure out which option works best for you.