What is a good order size? 

“I have an order for 35. Is this good?” 

“I have an order for 150. Is this good?”

As always, no two affiliates are alike.  For our clients on an apparel plan, I have them commit to a baseline goal for every apparel order. We recommend 25-30% of your current membership and use that number as the goal. 

So for example, if you have 100 members, your goal for every apparel order should be 25-30. 

What if I don’t have 30? The reason why we set a baseline number is that we need something to give us a measuring stick. If you don’t hit 30, it provides us a set of questions to ask about how to raise that number to 30. 

What if I have way more than 30? Same as above. It provides us a set of questions ask. Figure out exactly why this order was so popular and run the same exact process next order. 

As a rule of thumb, here is how you should look at apparel numbers to figure out if an order is successful:

Minimum: 25-30%

Good: 35-40%

Great: 50-55%

Outstanding: 60%+

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