If you feel like your pre-orders have hit a lull and could use a spark, try one of these 3 strategies to reignite the power of the preorder

Change the preorder opportunity window- In our experience, we find that most clients wind up extending the window to about 10-14 days. We feel this is too long. The shorter you give people, the quicker they can give you an answer. In the span of 10-14 days, too many things pop up that can rob your client’s attention from the preorder Stay in the front of them by forcing them to make quicker decisions on retail items. Try experimenting with a 5-7 day window. 

Experiment with pricing- If this makes you nervous or is an instant “NO”, you should probably give it a try. For the preorder price, list the tees and tanks for 24.99. If you order extras and the clients decide to buy up your inventory, charge 29.99 per item. Let price do the talking. Clients will pay attention to the preorder deadlines more closely if there is a monetary incentive involved. 

Switch it up- If your preorders are really in a rut, I would look at past artwork a little more closely and see if you’re repeating the same color items or not diversifying the design work enough. That is why I recommend brighter Summer designs in the middle of the year. It serves as the perfect opportunity to get away from black and dark grey. 

Let us know if we can help fix a lagging preorder for you!

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