What are you doing to stimulate demand for apparel at your gym?
Do you have 5-6 apparel items in stock?
Maybe they are folded behind the check in desk in stacks of 10?
Are you holding a sale to sell some leftover shirts?
Unfortunately, none of those situations above stimulate demand or spur action. In a fast paced, super competitive world of marketing and commerce today, many brands are competing for your member’s dollars. The only way to “cut the line” and get to the front of your clients mind is to stimulate scarcity. This means holding a preorder, limiting extras, and being disciplined about each item being it’s own unique limited edition offering.
Throw out the normal excuses such as “I’ll order 30 more…just in case!”, have discipline about ordering a handful of extras, and be ok telling someone “Dang, sorry you missed out on this order. Don’t worry. Next order, just make sure to sign up ahead of time and reserve your item before we close the pre-order”.
So back to my first question, what are you doing to stimulate demand for apparel at your gym?