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I'll Follow My Own Apparel Plan!

If you believe and subscribe to the idea of "I don't need a vendor. I'll just follow an apparel plan myself and execute it!"....then....

No one should join your gym. If this logic actually worked and actually made sense, no one should ever join a gym. 

Why do they need you? I can punch in a workout to chatgpt and it'll be programmed and perfect. I'll just watch videos on youtube about form and coaching. I'll just go buy my own equipment. I'll do all the check ins myself and coach myself!

You're reading this laughing that most people cannot and will not do this. 

Very few people actually follow a plan, stay on track, and get the right advice on their own. The people who do are usually outliers. We all have these people in our business. It's ok.

But for the 95% of people....they need a nudge, reminders, encouragement, and someone on the other end pulling for them. You're one of these people. I am one of these people. But together, we'll stay on track and succeed together.

I will keep repeating this: Clients who follow an apparel plan sell 30% more apparel pieces for the year and net 66% more profit than those who do not.