I am always very honest with people on intro calls: It usually takes an order or two for members to understand the idea of a preorder.

Some gyms have no problem with preorders and their members are fired up to preorder apparel.
Some gyms need heavy incentives and very persistent marketing plans to get people to preorder.
You need to run one order, see how it goes, and allow us to help you make adjustments.
It is very similar to onboarding gym members.
Some people join and they can jump right into a class and fit right in.
Some people join and...to put it lightly...need assistance and scaling.
Our business and service is not a get rich quick scheme. If you think you're going to run 1 apparel order and magically pull off a 100 item order with a couple social media posts...that is probably not going to happen.
Trust me, it is no fun doing all the work and heavy lifting and see an order of 12 pieces come thru.
The fun for this job comes from watching a client struggle to get 12 pieces and then a couple orders later they're pushing 40,50,60 pieces of merch with a little feedback and coaching.

I know I can get you there but you gotta give it a couple tries before you throw in the towel.

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